Posted by Linn Doll Butler on Aug 16, 2017

My name is Linn Doll Butler. I was the Rotary President of Rotary of Uxbridge, MA during the 2016-17 year. It was challenging to say the least. When I took over, our attendance and moral were down due to some changes of venue and even our location was being threatened due to business problems at our local meeting place. We decided to “bite the bullet” and move forward. Because of our changes ahead, I made some priorities and goals for the year I was in service.


  1. I wanted younger people to join! So I went out and invited younger business people to come and visit! We ended up with a young treasurer and a corporate Realtor member, who has been so proactive with our club and they have energy!!
  2. We changed our location and it has turned out to be perfect for our members for traveling location and a room with some privacy for our meetings and guest speakers.
  3. We changed our name from Rotary of Uxbridge to Blackstone Valley Rotary with permission of RI of course to include the surrounding towns in the Blackstone Valley area and to include our local Chamber which also is named Blackstone Valley Chamber; of which we are a member. We can now all work together to grow our area.

It has been time consuming; but so worth it. Now, moving forward to our new 2017-18 year; we expect to get a great deal done for our Rotary!!


Linn Doll Butler Past President 
Blackstone Valley Rotary