RLI has a broad array of topics that gets introduced to those attending. RLI has three progressive levels (RLI1, RLI2, and RLI3) plus graduate courses. Each of the levels has it own content, however, the curriculum gets more strategic with each level. The course content is broken into seven units.
  1. Rotary - What is Rotary's purpose and structure. This unit also includes "Making a Difference."
  2. Membership - How to engage members and what's involved in attracting new members. 
  3. The Rotary Foundation (TRF) - What are the goals and programs within TRF? This unit also includes international service and Rotary Action Groups.
  4. Vocational Education and Ethics - How you can use you vocation to benefit rotary and the community. How to promote the 4-Way Test and apply ethics in your club.
  5. Service Projects - This unit explains how to implement a service project. How to plan, lead, accomplish, and evaluate your projects.
  6. Communications - What is effective communication? This unit also explores how to create a public image and how to have a successful public relation program.
  7. Strategic Planning & Analysis - Insightful planning at the club level is discussed, along with club review and analysis, and areas of improvement.
If your club would like to have a RLI presentation, please contact Mark Vital at marlboroughrotaryleadership@gmail.com to set up a time that is convenient.