Club Training Assembly 2020
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our Club Training Assembly 2020 took place during April on the Zoom online platform.
The Assembly provided training for the Rotary year 2020-2021 for all Rotarians who want to learn new ideas and best practices - especially, incoming club leaders who are looking to strengthen their skill set. 
Various sessions were available to cover relevant topics that will impact both you and your club.
Shown immediately below, are videos of six of the seven Zoom sessions. Due to technical difficulties, there is no video available for the Focus on Service = Increased Engagement session presented by Past District Governor Karin Gaffney on April 9, 2020. However, the graphic presentation for that session - along with the graphic presentations and support documents for the other sessions - is available in the list of "Downloads."
Videos: These videos of Club Training Assembly 2020 sessions, which are in MP4 format, are posted on the District's YouTube page.
  1. Improving Your Club’s Public Image and Social Media, presented by Laura Spear, president of the Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley, on April 1, 2020 (60 minutes)
  2. Using Clubrunner and MyRotary to Better Manage Your Club, presented by Sue Peghiny, a district assistant governor, chair of the district's Public Image Committee, and the district's visioning coordinator, on April 2, 2020 (37 minutes)
  3. Grant Management Training, presented by Victor Tom, district governor-nominee designate, a district assistant governor, and chair of the district's Grants Subcommittee, on April 8, 2020 (80 minutes)
  4. New Membership Models & New Member Recruitment and Engagement, presented by Mary Garcia, a district assistant governor and co-chair of the Membership Committee of the Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley, and Sue Peghiny, a district assistant governor, chair of the district's Public Image Committee, and the district's visioning coordinator, on April 15, 2020 (76 minutes)
  5. Club Treasurer Training, presented by Elliott Rittenberg, president of the Rotary Club of Westboroughon April 18, 2020 (62 minutes)
  6. Club Secretary Training, presented by Bob Wicks, district secretary, on April 22, 2020 (96 minutes)
Downloads: These presentations and documents, which are downloadable in PDF format, were displayed during Club Training Assembly 2020 sessions.
  1. Presentation: Public Image and Social Media
  2. Presentation: ClubRunner and MyRotary
  3. Presentation: Grant Management Training
  4. Presentation: Focus on Service
  5. Membership: (Note: Documents are shown in alphabetical order)
    1. Presentation 1: New Membership Models
    2. Presentation 2: New Member Recruitment and Engagement
    3. Document: Club Models Matrix
    4. Document: Family Member Program - Sample
    5. Document: Guide to Corporate Membership
    6. Document: Guide to Passport Clubs
    7. Document: Sample Edited Bylaws on Flexible Membership Types
    8. Document: Satellite Club FAQ
    9. Document: Start Guide for Alternative Membership Types
    10. Document: Useful Links for New Membership Models
  6. Presentation: Club Treasurer Training
  7. Presentation: Club Secretary Training
To download the flyer (shown) for Club Training Assembly 2020, in PDF format, click here.
To learn more about Club Training Assembly 2020, contact District Governor-Elect Diana Nestorova at